30 Mar 2017 21:34:40
Where do you guys see Angle fitting in post mania?
Surely WWE will have him as an on air personality at least. I had a feeling he'd take over from Foley as RAW GM but can't see it now as it looks like the authority are back in and just can't see how Angle fits into the authority setup. unless they have him as a heel ala main event mafia.
If he were to have another match in WWE I'd love to see him and Rollins.
1.) 30 Mar 2017
30 Mar 2017 23:28:51
They could make Angle the temporary authority figure on RAW, while Vince, the Board of Directors, etc., decide Steph's fate. It's not something I'd want because it's been done and would keep a spotlight on Steph, but I could see it happening.
I'd like to see them keep the McMahon family off tv and just go with Angle as GM on RAW and SD having DB.
2.) 31 Mar 2017
31 Mar 2017 00:02:14
Just watches Angles interview on the network with Corey Graves and he's talking like he ain't finished wrestling yet. Hopefully he's healthy enough for the WWE doctors to clear him and he can have a few matches in WWE before he calls time on his career.
Totally agree with your feelings towards keeping the McMahons off TV, Steph is great but in small doses, she takes up far too much airtime for my liking. If Heyman wasn't so heavily involved with Brock I'd have him running RAW all day long.
3.) 31 Mar 2017
31 Mar 2017 09:04:53
I don't see the point in GMs. If Steph and Shane are there every week why have GMs.
4.) 31 Mar 2017
31 Mar 2017 13:00:16
HHH said the other day if Angle was going to return to the ring he'd have jump through a lot of hoops, and it'll be up to him if he wants to do that.
I see him as the strong face GM to oppose the evil Steph, perhaps even reigniting the love triangle with HHH.
Should be fun.
5.) 01 Apr 2017
01 Apr 2017 13:40:37
I seen a pic of angle with Jim ross and angle had looked like he was ready to wrestle he was in his wrestling gear here's hoping he turns up tomorrow but where would you put him to help seth. battle royal. to help undertaker or something else or not involved at all.
6.) 01 Apr 2017
01 Apr 2017 20:37:21
If he comes back in ring that would be awesome but I think he will either be a GMonday for RAW or a manager for American Alpha (or maybe a stable with AA and Shelton Benjamin)