02 Jul 2015 22:11:26
What would everyone like to see with stardust? Personally I would like to see him come back as cody rhodes but as a heel or a face? What does everyone think will happen when he returns?
1.) 03 Jul 2015
03 Jul 2015 00:11:03
I like Cody, he has made any gimmick given to him work and he rightfully deserves a push, but surely it could feel that WWE are just pushing as his dad just died, Cody needs to get there to the top of the tree by himself, yes his surname is Rhodes but his dad has gone he doesn't have anyone to help him now, he needs to get there on his hard work not because his dad's died. I see Cody coming back as a face and challenges for the ic title against the miz
{Ed007's Note - For someone so young you're a cynical heartless wee sod, Call. (yes)
2.) 03 Jul 2015
03 Jul 2015 09:42:00
I think he will come back as if nothing has happened and play along as Stardust.
I would like to see him come back as Stardust and have Dustin come out, so Stardust can deny his fathers name which would catapult him forward. He'd be boo'd out of every building.
There is also a window for him to come back with his brother as Dustin and Cody, add themselves to the tag division for another run.
Then there is just coming out as Cody Rhodes, and just milking the sympathy as a babyface. If he was properly sold to us as having found fire from the his tragedy he could easily be the top of the upper midcard, pretty much fight Dolf for his spot.
3.) 04 Jul 2015
04 Jul 2015 02:18:22
I would have him go back to being Cody Rhodes. I would then have Ric Flair or Charlotte bring back the Four Horseman, with Cody, Cesaro, Harper, and Sandow.
Goldust is out for an unknown amount of time with a shoulder injury.