19 Aug 2014 16:53:01
Not sure if it's just me but has anyone else noticed how WWE seem to be getting the talent to add more old school storytelling and ring psychology to their matches. I felt this was most noticeable during SS, especially in the flag match, Steph vs Brie and obviously Rollins vs Ambrose and Cena vs Lesnar. I have been crying out for some good old fashioned ring psychology for years instead of the spot monkey fest we had for a while. I hope this is a deliberate move to bring some realism and some depth of character and story back to WWE, if so whoever came up with it back stage I salute you. All we need now is Heyman back writing Smackdown and all will be good with the world

1.) 19 Aug 2014
Sorry but rollins vs ambrose was not old school in ring phycology, it was a brawl. but the main event I think was very old school and I loved it.

2.) 19 Aug 2014
To me the brawl was part of the psychology it added to the story which is what it is all about. Agreed on main event loved how old school it was

3.) 19 Aug 2014
Best main event for ages. Two young stars getting over. Loved it! Ambrose will be written of tv for a while to do his film whixh won't harm him and allow Rollins to start another fued.


4.) 20 Aug 2014
On reflection I don't think it is old school vs new school wrestling it is good vs bad wrestling i. e. Good phycology vs spot fest.

5.) 20 Aug 2014
Good way of putting JEPW, I have always associated good wrestling with technique, storytelling (psychology) and character, all of which were in great supply when I first got into to wrestling but fell away dramatically during the horrendously bad period of 94-96. The only compelling storyline I can think of in that period was the feud between Owen and Bret (had all of the 3 main criteria). Attitude era brought it back, but I feel the Ruthless Agression era had more personally. The last 10 years have been pretty bad but slowly but surely it seems to be getting better

6.) 21 Aug 2014
I thought there was plenty of psychology in Rollins vs Ambrose.

Ambrose milked that he didn't really want to fight Ambrose, he even tried to walk out and got brought back the lumberjacks.

A bad guy being arrogant and tough when on top then running away when the face starts coming back is as old school as it gets.