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08 Apr 2014 16:43:54
If Taker is retiring where does that leave Sting for Wrestlemania 31?

I will also give my opinion on Mania 30 (as I am not a normal WWE viewer so any improvement will not make me freak out and think WWE has turned the corner from average)

I loved the opening of Mania as these guys are from the Era I loved so it was pretty epic, also the adlibbing was nice and it got the crowd hyped.

The opening Match between HHH and Bryan was pretty special and I am please to see HHH can still perform to a very high level and tell a storline. Also Steph has some super fine legs.

I cannot rate the tag match as I went outside for a 5 minute blim and when I returned it was over. I guess The Shield squashed them.

The Battle Royal was what it was, with the standout moments being Kofi saving his near cockup very smartly and obviously Cesaro has unnatural strength and deserves his props.

This was the point where I felt the crowd started to wain a bit. Up to now the crowd were awesome.

Personally I think Wyatt is an incredible character and pretty solid in ring so watching him is always nice. As for Cena, I am not a hater but his character has to be the gayest persona of all time. Bring back rapper Cena as this dude apparently having internal turmoil over doing anything heelish is laughable. It doesn't help that the guy cannot act nor does it help when Wyatt is trying to portray Cena as a hero when most fans boo him. Give Cena a legitimate heel turn or some time off or this guy's career will start spiralling down fast. Overall the match was OK but the finish was weak and the acting weaker.

I am a Lesnar mark, the guy is a legitimate beast and with Heyman they are perfect. I also love Taker, apart from his 7 minute entrance which annoys the hell (pardon the pun) out of me so I was really looking forward to this match. That is why I am so dissappointed that this match sucked majorly. Taker has shown he can have incredible matches despite his age but here he looked horrible. I think this was a terrible way to end the streak against a guy who I cannot remember winning a PPV match. However as Taker looked so incredibly bad it would have killed any credibility Lesnar had. I am sad the streak is over but more sad that Taker couldn't perform anyway near his standards.

This also pretty much killed the crowd who were already tiring for the last couple of matches.

Diva's - Didn't watch!

The Main Event - We all knew what the outome would be here and after the end of the streak it was solidified to even the biggest doubters. The match itself was pretty average with only flashes of Bryan entertaining. I will agree the powerbomb, RKO combo was a nice modifier and props to Orton and Bryan for taking that move. The rest of the match was meh but it is good to see Bryan lift the title at the end.

Overall the show was pretty good, especially the first half. The crowd was hot for most of it and the spectacle was a good as ever. The matches were pretty standard with no real wow wrestling but the stories they told were stong, with HHH vs Bryan being my favourite and Wyatt's crowd interaction/guidance impressive. Also the "moments" of Cessaro and Bryan were great.

Will this make me want to watch WWE regularly? Probably not, but I heard Raw was epic (according to The Lionheart Chris Jericho) so I shall see. If WWE can improve on the in ring content and start using guys like Ziggler and Cessaro better then you never know.


1.) I am not worried in the slightest about where Sting is for Wrestlemania 31, the fella has never set foot in the WWE, he will get special treatment if he does, he just won't get Taker's streak.



07 Nov 2013 13:31:43
Prince Devitt could be coming to WWE. Now that would make me watch!


1.) Would be awesome

2.) He is pure quality, make him a "heyman" guy


3.) Devitt vs Pac anyone?

4.) Looks like 4 people here (down voters) know nothing about good wrestling. They must think Reigns and Rycrap are talented!



10 Jul 2013 15:22:00
Matt Morgan leaves TNA - Good decision on everyones behalf as he was just earning money for nothing in TNA. I expect WWE will sign him back and I personally think he fits that style better.


1.) Maybe tna should have used him better they could not hit the ground with their hat at three attempts when it comes to booking

2.) Beacuse WWE did better in the 5 years when he was there. The guy simply is not the star he could be.
As for booking, WWE loves to waste potential - See: Cessaro, Albert (Tensai), how was Zigglers reign?, Christian. The only thing WWE has done right in years is the Shield and that is about to be ruined.

3.) Bit harsh with your 'sheep comment' where the wolfs think wwe has been decent these last few months and turning out great talent and booking then rightly 95% of the time.

Shame the sheep out number the wolfs!
We are here!

4.) ^^
I have not been able to stand WWE for many many years so definately not a sheep. I just find the wrestling dire and that for me is the main reason to watch wrestling. I try every year to watch Mania, The Rumble, Extreme Rules and TLC simply because these give WWE the chance to return to the greatness they used to be. Unfortunately I am dissappointed every time.
I do not doubt that WWE can put on an incredible show if they allow people like Bryan, Ziggler, Punk (not a fan), Orton, Cessaro and The Shield to actually wrestle how they can but unfortunately when these guys take risks they get fined. The rest of the time they get matches that are shorter than an Undertaker entrance.
I gave up on WWE a long time ago as PG TV and wrestlers not being allowed to perform as they can (banned moves) just upsets me.
I will stick to TNA as I am guaranteed at least 1 good/great match each week as there wrestlers can wrestle without restrictions (although their product is not as good as it was 5 years ago)

5.) Sorry you are not a fan of CM Punk and you say you like wrestling. TNA does not have one good/great match a week aim sorry I watch the thing and they are a lot less in terms of quality than a WWE match, none of them have been given a five star match, not one in the history of TNA but wwe with bryan, Rollins and all the other YOUNG NEW talent are putting on wrestling clinics each week especially bryan. Did you see his match against sheamus on raw best match this month by far. In stead of old washed up 40 year olds who could not make it in the wwe so they decide to get an oversized pay check from a ditzy mark

6.) Chess your bias opinion on everything WWE makes it difficult to take your posts seriously.

If you think Tensai/Albert/A Train/Sweet T. whatever the hell they call him now, is wasted potential then what the hell is Joseph Park/Abyss? Albert was given a gimmick inspired by his time in Japan - a logical booking by WWE if you ask me. Abyss was a genuine monster heel and was well over with the gimmick, TNA totally wasted a real good talent with the Joseph Park gimmick change.

As for WWE ruining The Shield. How? They were booked incredibly strong since debuting and had huge wins over "top stars" like Cena, Orton, Sheamus ect. I mentioned it in a previous post - to get their hands on gold they had to drop down to the midcard and as a result they have lost a bit of momentum. But they are still being booked really well at this time. There was only so much 6 man tag matches out there for The Shield to compete in before we got tired of them.

If WWE want to ruin a group they could look to TNA for that formula. Aces and 8's was interesting initially but when they started adding superstars left right and centre and overcrowding the group it started getting ridiculous. Brisco and Bischoff are two of the most talentless wrestlers I have ever seen in their position - jobs for the boys eh.




17 Jun 2013 12:27:25
I thought WWE had a problem with wrestlers smoking Marijuana? Does RVD get a pass because he openly promotes its use? {Ed008's Note - Maybe he's given it up for the sake of 1 last run in the WWE?




20 May 2013 14:31:14
Well that was an atrocious PPV. I only watch 3 WWE PPV's and always hope Extreme Rules will actually be extreme. I have seen more violence in a Tom and Jerry episode then what WWE did here.
Also it shows the size of HHH ego when you have the Beast Brock Lesnar getting help multiple times to get the win. Shameful, thank god I never pay for this stuff.
The good news is TNA has a Extreme PPV in July so perhaps this will make up for it.





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I wonder what will happen when Steph gets found out for her insider trading deals. Maybe Gfw will conquer the world




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Young has a beard therefore the storyline must be the same a Bryan. I believe young has won and dominated every wrestler since becoming champ while Bryan got made to look weak. Also rumor is Steen has been offered a WWe contract. He is pretty overated in themail ring and all his good moves will be. banned. Also his swearing and violent character can't work in. Pg land.




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Roh will be full of TNA wrestlers now they are all losing their jobs. AJ, Daniels, Kaz, Black Machismo. I wonder if everyone will hate on them like they do TNA.




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I am sure they will waste Devitt on NXT for a good while




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Match. That is not a match! New Jack is a crack head and a loser and Heyman should be ashamed of what they did to this kid. He killed himself a year or 2 later by the way!





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