30 Apr 2014 20:54:17
Just watched Raw tonight and Rick Flair looks awful. I have to admit that I only ever saw Flair in the late 90's so I may not have seen his great matches but everything I seen of him had never impressed me. I am assuming he was great in the 80's but don't understand the awe people have for him. But that is only based on my experience. Doesn't mean others shouldn't like him as everyone has their own taste. Anyone know any good matches so I can give him a proper review?

Think that everyone should try to do the same as above if they don't like something. Say why you don't like it but stop having a go at other people for likely things. If we all liked the sane stuff nothing new would be invented. Life would be boring.

Slam WWE for poor booking but don't assume everyone should or has to agree with you. My personal opinion on wwe is that there should be more titles. Need to make matches important to keep the fresh. Otherwise potential superstars get wasted in the mid card jobbing.

Favourites in wwe now: D Bryan, Shield, Uso's, BNB & Wyatts. Would like to see Cody get used more as well.

Team Bring It

1.) 30 Apr 2014
My knowledge of him is mainly from his first run in WWF. His feud with Savage was gold though - try to have a look at the lead up to their match at Wrestlemania 8.

The drama and the tension between them was superb, with great supporting roles from Booby Heenan, Mr Perfect and Miss Elizabeth.

For me beats the Attitude era hands down

2.) 30 Apr 2014

3.) 01 May 2014
You can find a lot about Flair on YT, just type "Ric Flair best" and there are a lot of compilations of his matches and best promos.

4.) 01 May 2014
Ric Flair made people believe it was real for years. They thought he really was the arrogant Champion of a real sport coming in to town to mess with their women and beat their face.

You can't compare that to a modern standard, even the Punk's of this world wouldn't be able to wrestle for 1 hour and without doing something that made you think it might be fake.

5.) 01 May 2014
Unfortunately Flair has totally ruined his legacy to the point that the new generation of fans see a rambling old granddad who makes no sense. Because of Flairs lifestyle he lived his gimmick and had no money to retire with which he should have done 20 years ago


6.) 01 May 2014
That is pretty much how isee Flair. A rambling old man who always looks drunk.

Will watch some old matches to try to get a better understanding of the guy.

Team bring it {Ed007's Note - I've uploaded some Ric Flair videos onto the videos page here. }

7.) 02 May 2014
Its a shame that people see him that way, he really was the best in his day.

8.) 02 May 2014
And his day lasted 25 years. Whooooo!