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30 May 2019 12:59:17
Anyone listen to Talk is Jericho with Moxley?
Wonder if Vince decides to sort his product out or if he bows out leaving it to HHH. I think if HHH did take over, it could be a decent show and having 2 options isn't a bad thing.

Red Raw

1.) 30 May 2019 13:27:11
Been a long, long time since I posted on here but Danmation is back. I listened to the podcast, absolutely brilliant. So pleased for Jon, he had to get out of WWE.

2.) 01 Jun 2019 15:19:35
His remarks about Vince just confirmed what a state WWE is currently in.
He is still in total control and he is completely out of touch with what both the fans and the majority of his own wrestlers want to see.
I really think that now Moxley (still feels weird calling him that) has left a flood of other may wish to join him.
Whether they will be allowed to leave is another thing. WWE must have learned from the Monday Night Wars and will not allow that to happen again.
At the very least AEW must surely make WWE look closely inwards at it's own product.



29 May 2019 10:27:16
Will there be an AEW page soon?

Red Raw

{Ed007's Note - We can set one up if you want but you can talk about any wrestling you want on here considering how quiet it is.}

1.) 29 May 2019 15:51:23
That’s cool.

It is quiet, I thought maybe the Double or Nothing 2 ppv would liven it up a bit.

2.) 30 May 2019 10:43:19
I watched aew Sunday morning thought it was a pretty good show.



01 Aug 2017 12:53:07
So all this back and forth with Reigns and Joe about Reigns never beating him to end in a mid card Raw match. Nice work from the writing team there.

Red Raw

1.) 03 Aug 2017 10:14:07
That was odd.

2.) 04 Aug 2017 16:26:32
As long as it was done to give Reigns a moment before he takes the pin at SummerSlam, I'm okay with it. Lesnar and Strowman are unlikely to take the pin in the Fatal 4way, so it's probably going to be Joe or Reigns. So as long as Joe isn't the fall guy twice in a row, losing the 3way on RAW won't seem that bad, and they can still go with the "you've never beaten me 1on1" if Joe and Reigns feud again down the line.

3.) 07 Aug 2017 13:38:38
A good heel would never acknowledge his defeat, just lie about it, like how Joe pretty much suggested he beat Brock at GBOF.

You hear Joe speak its like he won.



28 Feb 2017 19:08:41
Think everyone is going with the obvious and think Goldberg wins at Fastlane.

Was just thinking though. What if Jericho costs Goldberg the title and helps Owens beat him like he said he would. Then after the match attacks Owens and wants him at Wrestlemania For the title?

Red Raw

1.) 28 Feb 2017 22:03:27
That's one of things I hopes happens. They could then have Owens get Steph to put Jericho in a U. S. title match against Strowman (payback for Jericho getting Owens into a title match against Braun weeks ago. ) or Joe, on the following RAW to get the title off Y2J. Setting up a Mania match for various people without anything right now.

It's still a question what exactly they're going to do with HHH and Rollins. So Joe may or may not be involved with that. Balor is scheduled to return in the next week or two. I'd imagine we'll find out this weekend if Reigns vs Taker is happening. If not, Reigns is a question mark. I haven't heard any rumblings for anything at Mania for Strowman. Zayn and Rusev will hopefully get something more than the Battle Royal. I'd assume Cesaro and Sheamus will end up in a multi-team tag match for the titles, but they're still options for something as well.



06 May 2016 14:49:48
Ok, so at first I thought it was going to be Balor attacking AJ at payback, that didn't happen.

Now I'm thinking two factions will be built. Reigns and the usos and Bullet club AJ, Balor, Gallows and Anderson. Then to equal the numbers, Joe joins Reigns evening the sides

Red Raw

1.) 06 May 2016 15:43:03
I don't see Joe joining in (even though that's the sort of racist move the WWE loves, I mean why wouldn't he join with Roman, they're ancestors must have known each other)

I think we are heading towards Roman and the Uso's getting run down by The Four Bullet Club guys, Joe joining them would be cooler.

Only his recent history of feuding with Finn let's that down.

2.) 06 May 2016 15:59:51
That's what I mean Bessex, as the WWE love that kind of thing. Also the fact he feuded with Balor in NXT seems it could go that way, the same sort of thing as Owens and Zayne.

3.) 06 May 2016 17:32:57
I mean it would be cooler if Joe was a fith member of the Bullet Club, he is a high ranking indie star that's worked in Japan, if he hadn't just been feuding with Finn, I'd say he was in line to be part of that group.

4.) 06 May 2016 20:18:49
If and when they decide to have Balor on the main shows he will have to do the full demon entry and this suggests a PPV. I wonder if they will wait until Summerslam? Maybe. Gallows and Anderson finally get the hump with AJ and Finn picks up the pieces.




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03 Jul 2019 14:57:02
Apparently Bischoff isn’t taking over Smackdown till after extreme rules.

Red Raw



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22 Jun 2019 07:58:29
I’ve pretty much given up on Raw and Smackdown, only read the results now, maybe a YouTube clip. I have the network, but that’s only for NXT.
Can’t wait for AEW to start their weekly show, heard it's going to be on itv, which is a bargain for us UK wrestling fans. Once that starts I’ll probably cancel the network and just read results.

Red Raw



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29 May 2019 15:51:23
That’s cool.

It is quiet, I thought maybe the Double or Nothing 2 ppv would liven it up a bit.

Red Raw



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11 Jun 2017 08:12:20
1. tv14 and 3 hours
2. steph and shane
3. nxt 2 hours
4. ko, harper, corbin (what a match! )
5. reigns/ lesnar for jinder/ cena (can't lose aj)
6. nakamura (but honestly, neither)
7. reigns
8. rollins (but preferably neither)
9. mcintyre
10. becky vs charlotte.

Red Raw



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17 Apr 2017 10:15:38
Mr Perfect vs AJ Styles
Eddie Guerrero vs Finn Balor
Chris Benoît vs Cesaro
Owen Hart vs Chris Jericho

My history doesn't go back as far and of the dead that I'd watched, not many I'd look forward to watching again.

Red Raw




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