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10 Apr 2018 22:38:18
Got to admit the intercontinental looks good on monday night rollins!
Always liks Seth.
1.) 11 Apr 2018 09:42:58
Rollins is a classic IC Champion, worker in the ring, earned it over years, much like the Miz and Balor delivers quality every time.
Those guys are the stars for the next 5 years.
Brock remains a draw, Cena, Taker, HHH, and Angle are dragging out their fame. Roman is if anything getting less popular the more he is pushed.
The 3 surrounding the IC title right now are the guys to push.
2.) 11 Apr 2018 16:34:47
Agreed mate, I did like Kevin Owens when he first came over from NXT but not done it for me. Styles deserves the big title as well, top performer!
3.) 12 Apr 2018 14:12:30
I think KO struggled because of the nature of his push, I thought he did well with the best friends Y2J angle, but he was basically booked as a cowardly heel relying on his mates when what got him over was his badass prizefighter gimmick.
Styles has the big title in my opinion, as long as its called the Universal title I consider the World title to be more prestigious.
4.) 12 Apr 2018 20:35:21
Aj has the proper title for sure, Brock is the man but this part time thing bores me on occasions, I do have to say the womens is decent, massively improved now. Decent to have Ronda aswell and mella is money! 😀.
5.) 13 Apr 2018 10:26:35
I don't mind Brock holding his title from a far, what winds me up is that when he does show up its become very repetitive to have Heyman cut promos, then have the same match over and over.
Happy to keep him special, but he needs to be a bit more special when he arrives.
6.) 15 Apr 2018 14:02:00
I don't mind Brock (Raven Darkholme) being part time, it adds to his mystique. I just hate the Suolex City gimmick. Brock can put on good matches if he's allowed to. Suplex City matches are usually awful and boring IMO.
7.) 16 Apr 2018 10:00:41
I think that's just his style now, fight like it was a fight, smash them, throw them, beat them about.
He is being WWE's version of MMA.
20 Dec 2016 19:22:46
I don't usually post on any of these great sites but I just wanted to say. how good is Jerico?? He really is great. Great work at the minute.
1.) 20 Dec 2016 19:45:12
Agreed mate some. Of the best of his career. He keeps reinventing himself with the times signs of one of the best of all time.
2.) 20 Dec 2016 20:19:58
I was getting so bored of him, but a few tweaks to his character and a bit of creative licence and he's back on the top of his game. The whole run with since the whole "Gift of Jericho" thing started has been really good. My favourite segments of RAW are the buts with him and KO.
3.) 20 Dec 2016 20:49:00
The Jericho Owens and foley segment was gold this week.
4.) 20 Dec 2016 21:12:08
Absolutely. The segment were he needed oxegen was quality. he's brilliant.
5.) 20 Dec 2016 22:05:57
I loved the its made in ohio it must be crap lol pure heat seeker.
6.) 20 Dec 2016 23:54:36
I've got arachnophobia!
7.) 21 Dec 2016 08:52:28
I'm glad you all agreed. Y2J for the title!
8.) 23 Dec 2016 10:37:02
He's the greatest of all time, it says so on his trunks.
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23 Apr 2019 14:38:41
Bray Wyatt new character. wtf?
14 Feb 2019 16:51:56
I'm not that into the actual matches although I do watch them but its the story, character etc that I enjoy, like above the best thing in WWE at the min is Becky, she really has done well with her push. Its been done so many times by the lads and never by the women so I think that's why its so good.
23 Oct 2018 09:03:47
Real shame to hear this, I'll be honest I like Roman and always have. I hope he beats it and comes back stronger.
17 Oct 2018 14:54:48
He will step down when he has popped his clogs and only then.
05 Sep 2018 23:15:29
I really enjoyed Raw, ending was the bollox although I am partial to a hound of justice or three. Fingers crossed it continues in the same vein.
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