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05 Sep 2019 16:46:13
A little bit of the Bubbly.
15 Jan 2018 19:11:11
I am going to be gutted if Paige announces her retirement tonight 😢.
1.) 15 Jan 2018 21:39:15
The Lillian Garcia podcast has a really candid interview with her from just before Christmas. Well worth a listen.
2.) 16 Jan 2018 14:23:28
It certainly seems like she isn't ready to call it a day, and in your early 20's why would you.
I have recently seen the footage of the incident that reinjured her neck and it looks so basic.
Sasha Banks basically put her boot through the back of her neck and she obviously didn't see it coming and whiplashed Paige's neck back.
On a house show no less. What an unfortunate way to start the year.
3.) 16 Jan 2018 17:03:26
Yeah I’ve listened to that podcast, was so sad in parts, didn’t realise how much she’s been thru in her life so to overcome that, comeback to that pop from the crowd (let’s be honest most male wrestlers would kill for the reaction Paige gets) then to feel she’s back only to have retirement as a possibility must be devastating.
So I really hope she can come back cz as you say she’s only 25 is a legend already and tbf as much as haters will bring up the leaks she deserves this next part of her career, she’s been thru enough I’d say, here’s hoping we see her soon, she’s just tweeted 2018 is going to be her year and I’m right behind her.
4.) 17 Jan 2018 11:07:48
I think she shows enough personality to stay around, but a wrestler who can't wrestle is sort of on to a losing battle.
It'll be a shame if she has to call it a day, but worse if she ends up in a wheelchair because she ignored medical advice.
Sometimes you can accept a 50 year old that can't just stop, but at 25 with so much life to live, just go and do something else.
5.) 17 Jan 2018 17:35:45
Have her be the manager for Absolution until she is fit again (if she recovers) Hopefully she will he back ASAP.
6.) 23 Jan 2018 12:37:56
I think that's how it will go.
08 Feb 2016 19:05:11
Daniel Bryan announces he's retiring on raw tonight, a work or genuine?
1.) 08 Feb 2016 23:46:08
Looks real.
2.) 09 Feb 2016 06:56:31
I was there for it, very real, very sad.
3.) 09 Feb 2016 09:39:56
I got up early to watch it this morning assuming this was going to be the build to his Mania program, but sadly it seems legit.
The poor bloke has a permanent brain injury, and obviously can't carry on.
He has had a great run, and I hope he has a fortune left on his deal.
The episode of Raw where he turned on the Wyatt's in the cage was one of the last times I got properly lost in it.
4.) 09 Feb 2016 11:25:28
A did the exact same. Gutted for him like but a just think years on the indies and his style might have took its toll. Hopefully vince learns from bryans wwe career and continues to push the wee wrestlers who deserve the push.
5.) 09 Feb 2016 15:17:12
Good luck to him. Classy exit from a good guy.
6.) 09 Feb 2016 16:59:48
If Vince and the WWE take one thing from this let's hope its to push a guy when he's on fire. Holding someone back for a bigger pay off is great if they ever get there. Bryan had 18 months at the peak, but they derailed him a few times on his climb.
15 Aug 2015 11:46:09
Really hoping for Kane to run down for revenge on Rollins and cause a no contest that way both men keep their titles. Only time I've hoped for a Kane run in haha.
I don't think taker has ever beaten brock so I imagine this will happen after several tombstones to make lesnar look a monster still, after the match I think stings music will hit and a stare down with taker, long winded set up to mania or maybe at SS if that's 25years anniversary for the deadman.
1.) 15 Aug 2015 21:03:12
I still think that Taker will make his final bow at the Mania. I hope that he doesn't beat Lesnar clean as it wouldn't be believed.
2.) 17 Aug 2015 10:05:41
I had heard Taker's last run was to be as a heel, the attempt to make him seem heelish with a low blow, and corning Heyman on the next nights Raw were just celebrated like a goal.
I'm expecting an Undertaker win by some sort of dirty shenanigan, that really gets the crowds goat.
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16 Jan 2018 17:03:26
Yeah I’ve listened to that podcast, was so sad in parts, didn’t realise how much she’s been thru in her life so to overcome that, comeback to that pop from the crowd (let’s be honest most male wrestlers would kill for the reaction Paige gets) then to feel she’s back only to have retirement as a possibility must be devastating.
So I really hope she can come back cz as you say she’s only 25 is a legend already and tbf as much as haters will bring up the leaks she deserves this next part of her career, she’s been thru enough I’d say, here’s hoping we see her soon, she’s just tweeted 2018 is going to be her year and I’m right behind her.
02 Aug 2016 19:24:10
Reigns being jobbed atm, rusev will win IMO.
24 Mar 2016 16:17:17
Vince is in cahoots with Shane anyway obvs screwjob.
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